About Us

GALZGONEWILD was founded by Mel Mc Dermott. Her mission was a simple one - to connect more women to nature and the outdoors.

GALZGONEWILD reconnects women with nature and the outdoors through our hikes, adventures, getaways, workshops and events all across Ireland. Our mission is to continue to create an equitable,inclusive,and diverse outdoor community. We welcome all Women- Our Black, Indigenous, BIPOC, Lesbian, Bi Sexual, Trans, Women with disabilities, Women in recovery and Women of size. We strive to nurture self love, increase confidence, explore creativity, practice mindfulness but most importantly, to have fun and forge life long friendships both on and off the trail.

Mountain Mel / Mountain Mam

Melissa Mc Dermott aka Mountain Mel/Mountain Mam is an outdoor adventure enthusiast, Great Outdoors Ambassador, Hiking guide, GGW's Community Founder and host of YouTube Series Mel Goes Wild. Harnessing her personal experience with mental health and depression she embarked on her journey of reconnecting to the wild in 2017 as a means to heal. She completed her Mountain Skills 1 & 2 training and became Remote Emergency Care First Aid Certified. One day on a solo hike in the Wicklow Mountains, an idea sparked 'An all female lead community that encourages and grows the confidence of women via guided outdoor adventures, getaways, workshops and mountain skills training’... GGW was born. Melissa is truly passionate about the outdoors and as a mental health advocate she wants to share the positive benefits nature can have on your mental health and well-being. She’s also a self proclaimed chocoholic and lover of death metal music.


  • It’s simple! Just head to the hike you want to attend on the website and book your spot. There are various options for pricing so please read carefully before booking. There are also various abilities, Beginners, Intermediate, Difficult and Advanced trails. You will receive a confirmation email of your booking. The week of your adventure(usually Tuesday/Wednesday) you will be emailed your packing list and details/time of our meeting point. You do not need to be a Peak Member to attend.

  • Peak Membership does not give you free access to hikes, getaways or mountain skills courses. To book, simply follow the steps above in question 1.

  • No you do not. Our hikes are very popular and a lot of them sell out very quickly. Our Peak Membership gives you access to book our adventures before everyone else. A monthly ‘Peak Member’ email is sent out which includes all new hikes along with discount codes for GGW and other brands. Our Peak Member email is sent out at the end of the month.

  • Yes we do! Go to the page of the booked out hike you would like to attend on the website. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Add your email and click sign up. If a spot opens up you will get an email direct to your inbox.

  • Unfortunately they are not

  • Over 18s. Our age demographic is usually between 25-35 but we have women from 18-65 attending.

  • Due to COVID we are unfortunately unable to offer bus transport to our hikes. We do however facilitate car pooling in our Facebook group. If you offer a lift in the Facebook group for a hike you will receive 10% off your next hike with GGW. If you want to request a car pool just comment in the group with the name and date of your hike as well as your pick up location. GALZGONEWILD FACEBOOK GROUP

    We suggest you contribute to the cost of fuel and respect the drivers requests regarding pick up and drop off points as well as adhering to COVID-19 precautions; like the wearing of face coverings, use of hand sanitiser and sitting in the back of the car for the journey. Please note-We do not organise or take any responsibility for car pooling- the Facebook group is only a facilitator.

  • We do not offer refunds. You are welcome to make an offer for your spot in the GALZGONEWILD FACEBOOK GROUP

  • Yes, you can transfer your spot to a friend or family member.

  • Yes, these are compulsory for all GGW Adventures. You will NOT be permitted on the hike without these and WILL be turned away. This is because your safety is a priority and the correct footwear is necessary to keep you from injury.

  • Yes, these are compulsory for all GGW Adventures. A waterproof jacket and waterproof pants are required.

  • No we do not allow credit or transfers to another adventure.

  • No, we currently do not have the means to fill spots at short notice.

  • Our mailing list is only available to our ‘GGW PEAK MEMBERS’ To become a Peak Member head over to our membership page.

  • If you are unsure about your level of fitness we recommend starting out on our Beginner trails. GGW only ever goes as fast as the slowest walker and we take multiple breaks on our hikes. You will never be left behind and we make sure that you feel comfortable and confident on our hikes. Our community is extremely welcoming and supportive :)

  • YES! We actually encourage it and the majority of our galz come along on our adventures solo.

  • Beginner: Below 8km, a mixture of flat and undulating trails.

    Intermediate: 8km-15km, a mixture of flat, with some steady and steep inclines

    Difficult: 10km+ Mostly steady and steep inclines

    Advanced: 20km+ Long distance, a mixture of flat, steady and steep inclines. We recommend you complete at least 1 Difficult trail with GGW before attempting an advanced trail.